Can I take a Private Jet to Antarctica?
Yes, you absolutely can. We offer trips where you fly by private jet to Antarctica where our very experienced pilot lands it on a private ice runway.
We also offer an extremely rare opportunity to land your personal aircraft on the first and only runway specifically designed for private jets in Antarctica.
For the first time ever, you can now safely bring your personal aircraft to the last continent on earth!
Regardless of if you decide to fly or be flown, there will be a safety briefing the day before the flight in Cape Town – home to award-winning vineyards and stunning ocean vistas.
Staff will explain all kit requirements, assist with any last minute preparations and update you on the latest weather forecasts in Antarctica.
On the flight from Cape Town International, you will pass into the Antarctic Circle and 24 hours of continuous sunshine.
- Coordinates: 71º31’s 08º48’e
- Elevation: 1127m amsl
- Length: 3,000m
- Width: 60m
- Orientation: 175 true
You would then land on a The Wolf’s Fang runway, which is sited on glacial blue ice which, when properly treated, is entirely suitable for business jets.
The 3,000m x 60m runway is maintained and operated by an experienced ground crew that attends to the monitoring of weather, ground-to-air communication, and runway grooming.
Weather forecasting and observation services are tailored to support planned flying operations and a daily briefing service is available for pilots departing Cape Town.
Wondering where you will stay?
Check out my blog “Is Camping in Antarctica Possible?”
Ready to Go?